The University Grants Commission (UGC) launched a scheme on skills development based higher education as part of University education, leading to Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc.). The University was awarded this status of Prestigious DDU Kaushal Kendra by UGC to run three years B.Voc program commenced in the year 2015. Courses such as Retail and Logistics Management, Animation & Multimedia, Software Development and Renewable Energy Management and Sports, Therapy and Nutrition are offered.

B. Voc. is a three year degree course after Higher Secondary with multiple entry and exit points. Students completing the first year get a Diploma Certificate, after second year they get the Advanced Diploma Certificate and after completion of three years, they get a UG Degree. The course curriculum has 40% general education (theory) and 60% vocational training (practical) components.

The School of Vocational Studies aims at providing quality education and hands on training for skill development and to meet the vocational as well as technical requirements which will preapre students for the corporate sectors as well as entreprenership ventures. Demand driven and value added courses/programmes are offered through the School, targeting the formal and informal sectors.


Establishing a leading center for Vocational Education in the country by providing youth with knowledge and cutting edge skills in different fields and preparing them to be entrepreneurs and professionals with excellence.


"Cultivating global-ready professionals through learner-centric education and innovative learning approaches. Accelerating skill development nationwide for sustainable livelihoods and holistic growth. Designing comprehensive industry-specific curricula and learning materials to meet diverse skill needs."


  • B.VOC in Retail and Logistics Management
  • B.VOC in Animation and Multimedia
  • B.VOC in Software Development
  • B.VOC in Food Processing and Engineering
  • B.VOC in Renewable Energy Management

Students enrolled to the B.Voc. program are expected to attain or achieve the following Program Educational Objectives:

  • PEO 1: Acquire practical application that is founded on sound theoretical knowledge and practical learning.
  • PEO 2: Gain confidence to be self-reliant and create employment opportunities for others in various sectors including Retail and Logistics, Renewable Energy, Software Development, Animation and Multimedia, Sports Therapy, and Nutrition.
  • PEO 3: Identify business opportunities, design, and implement innovations in the workspace.
  • PEO 4: Develop an understanding of the role of the concerned courses in a market-oriented society.
  • PEO 5: Equip with communication and presentation skills to deal with critical business situations.

On successfully completing the program the graduate will be able to-

  • PO1: Have adequate knowledge and skills to be work-ready at each exit point of the program.
  • PO2: Work in the retail and logistics industry and contribute to the economic development of the country.
  • PO3: Pursue higher studies in their respective domain.
  • PO4: Have adequate entrepreneurial skills to start their own enterprise.
  • PO5: Ability to learn and work in a group and be capable of leading a team.
  • PO6: Pursue a career path in Retail and Logistics, Renewable Energy Management, Software Development, Animation and Multimedia, Sports Therapy, and Nutrition.
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Assistant Professor Stage III

 [email protected]
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 [email protected]
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Asst Professor Stage II

 [email protected]

Message from the Dean

In an era marked by rapid technological advances and shifting industry demands, vocational studies play a crucial role in equipping individuals with practical skills and specialized knowledge. These disciplines are the foundation of many critical sectors, ensuring that the workforce is well-prepared to meet current and future challenges. As the world of work continues to evolve, the need for skilled, adaptable professionals is more pressing than ever.

At the School of Vocational Studies, we are dedicated to fostering hands-on expertise and real-world readiness. Our programs are crafted to challenge students to master their trades and develop a deep understanding of their chosen fields. Embracing our motto, "Lucet et Ardet," we aim to spark a passion for excellence and innovation in our students. We are committed to preparing our graduates to excel in their professions, navigate complex environments with skill, and contribute meaningfully to a dynamic and ever-changing job market.