St Aloysius Incubation Centre

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St Aloysius Incubation Centre (SAIC) Mangaluru, a unit of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru has a vision to encourage men and women who have innovative ideas, products, and an ardent desire to realize their dreams of creating innovative products or services or both for the ultimate benefit of the larger section of society. Start-ups have a vital role to play in the future of India by creating innovative solutions to the country’s challenging issues and generating large-scale job opportunities for the upcoming workforce. SAIC helps entrepreneurs to develop their business, especially in the initial stages. Incubator support includes providing technical infrastructure and advice, initial growth funds, network and linkages, co-working spaces, lab facilities, mentoring, and advisory support. To facilitate this, the Centre has adopted an Incubation Policy to provide guidance and management structure to facilitate the development of entrepreneurship.

Eligibility Criteria and Admission Procedure

  • Any student, staff, alumni, or persons desirous of availing incubation facilities have to apply in the prescribed format along with required documents. The prospective candidate should submit an application in the prescribed format containing the business plan and shall present the executive summary to the review committee. The committee is authorized to make comments on technical and business feasibility of the idea and recommend to the Centre.

Infrastructure and Services provided to incubates

  • Mentoring and Advisory Services: the candidates can take a faculty advisor as a mentor for startup issues. Support for research activities/ legal services / market accessibility - An incubated company can take a faculty advisor as a mentor on technology issues.
  • Institutional Infrastructure: SAIC may facilitate access to the Institutional infrastructure or laboratories as per the norms of University. The Centre offers fully furnished space to the incubators with Wi-Fi facility along with Seminar / Conference Halls.
  • Common Infrastructure: SAIC provides a common pool of hard and soft infrastructure to be shared by all incubated companies. The following resources are provided: Photocopying machine, Access to college Library: Books, Subscription to IT, Business, Management and Trade journals and newspapers, Meeting/Conference room with Audio and projection equipment, Tele or Video conferencing facilities.

Tenure of Incubation

  • The incubators will be permitted to utilize the incubator services for a period of two years. They may be granted a maximum of two extensions of 6 months each, at the sole discretion of the Institution.
  • Completion of two year stays (if no extension granted).
  • Underperformance or non-viability of business proposition as decided by Committee
  • Violation of the policy of institution (SAIC).
  • Any other reason for which SAIC may find it necessary for an incubated company to leave.

Periodic Assessment

  • A review committee set up by SAIC will evaluate the performance of the incubatee every six months.

Seed Funding

  • SAIC may provide seed fund subject to the availability of funds/ grants/ schemes meant for this purpose. A company desirous of getting seed fund may submit an application for seed fund after three months of incubation at SAIC. The seed fund will be sanctioned based on the eligibility criteria as decided by SAIC from time to time. It would also be subject to the terms stipulated as per the Seed funding Guidelines of SAIC.

Business Plan Template

  1. Introduction / Company overview
  2. Concept / Proposition / Product description
  3. Market opportunity
  4. Competition survey
  5. Development plan and milestones
  6. Marketing plan
  7. Management / Organizational chart
  8. Financials
  9. Risks and de-risking strategies
  10. Appendix


  1. Incubation Agreement: Contain rules and other incubation norms, consideration, equity holding, etc. (Applicable to all.)
  2. Seed-Fund Agreement: Contain rules of disbursement and repayment. (Applicable to incubate availing seed-fund.)