Student Clubs

Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are carried out through 35 Co-Curricular and 22 extra-curricular associations of UG and PG, including national statutory organizations like NCC, NSS, Red Cross, Rangers and Rovers.

The college has all the wings of NCC and NSS units. In fact, our college is the only one college in the university area to have all the three full-fledged wings of NCC. Every student is a part of any one of the associations during I and II year as a part of the curriculum and credit system. SAIE has 6 clubs for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Regular guided individual turns for the Morning Assembly to present ‘Thought for the Day’ and Reflection with current news updates and daily quizzes is a practice. A two day guidance and counselling programm and a family life education programme is organised for students for their personal and emotional well being.

The students of the college have brought laurels to the college in NCC and NSS activities. The NCC students have been selected to participate in Republic Day Parade at New Delhi every year as well as in National Camps at various places in India. They have won the ‘Best Cadet’ awards in various camps. A student of the college was selected for the ‘Best NSS Volunteer Award’ for the year 2014-15 and was honoured by the Governor of Karnataka State.

For the smooth execution, SAHAAYA activities are implementedthrough EC/CC Associations which are grouped into FOUR Service Groups

  • Centre for Social Concern (CSC)
  • Centre for Environmental Concern (CEC)
  • Centre for Cultural Concern (CCC – 1)
  • Centre for Civic Concern (CCC – 2)

  1. Centre for Social Concern (CSC):
    • Al-Lure Association
    • Commerce Association
    • Hindi Sangha
    • Harmony Association
    • Hopkin’s Literary Club
    • Kannada Sangha
    • Wikipedia Association
    • Konkani Sangha
    • Rotaract Club
    • Management Association
    • Tulu Koota
  2. Centre for Environmental Concern (CEC):
    • Astro Club
    • Nature Club
    • Bio-Science Unit - I & II
    • Humanities Association
    • Computer Animation Association
    • IT Club
    • Ecology Club
    • Math Forum
    • Electronics Club
    • Quiz Association
  3. Centre for Cultural Concern (CCC – 1):
    • Al-Care Association
    • Forum-The Speakers Club
    • Al-Fine Arts Association
    • Heritage Club
    • Al-Madhyam Association
    • Music Association
    • CLC
    • World Youth Parliament
    • Dance Association
    • Dramatics Association
  4. Centre for Civic Concern (CCC – 2):
    • AICUF
    • NCC Air Wing
    • Human Rights Association
    • NSS
    • Sahodaya Association
    • Rangers Association
    • NCC Army Wing
    • Rovers Association
    • NCC Navy Wing
    • Youth Red Cross Association