Lab Facilities
Serial No Equipment
1 Meter sticks
2 Vernier calipers
3 Micrometers
4 Stopwatches
5 Scales/balances
6 Dynamics carts and tracks
7 Pulleys and masses
8 Inclined planes
9 Spring scales
10 Force sensors
11 Light sources (lasers, LED, and incandescent lamps)
12 Lenses and mirrors
13 Diffraction gratings
14 Optical benches
15 Ray boxes
16 Multimeters
17 Power supplies
18 Resistors, capacitors, and inductors
19 Breadboards and connecting wires
20 Electromagnets
21 Magnetic field sensors
22 Tuning forks
23 Oscilloscopes
24 Signal generators
25 Speakers and microphones
26 Wave tanks
27 Thermometers
28 Heat sources (Bunsen burners, hot plates)
29 Calorimeters
30 Thermal conductivity kits
31 Geiger counters
32 Radioactive sources (safe, low-level)
33 Photoelectric effect apparatus
34 Spectrometers
35 Laboratory computers with data acquisition software
36 Data loggers
37 Lab notebooks and calculators