National level Webinar on 'Future’s and Options'
St Aloysius College, (Autonomous) Mangalore in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers Association (MUCTA) on 13-04-2022 at 7pm. Duration of the webinar was 1 hour. Dr Priya Agarwal (Senior Consultant and Social Entrepreneur) was the Resource Person. Dr Zeena D’Souza (HOD, Bcom Professional’s) introduced the resource person and welcomed everyone.
Dr Priya, during the session explained the concepts of future’s and options, also explained practically how options and future’s are traded in the derivative market. The session ended with an open house discussion. The participants were given feedback form for attendance and certificate. 241 participants registered for the webinar but only first 100 participants got the chance to participate as entry was restricted by BSE zoom portal. Ms Rishal D’Souza proposed vote of thanks. The entire session was moderated by Ms Bharathi R, Assistant Professor, Commerce department.
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