A webinar on  ‘Derivative- Decoded’

A webinar on  ‘Derivative Decoded”  was organised by the commerce department, St. Aloysius College , Mangalore in association with Mangalore University Commerce Teachers association(MUCTA) on 01 April 2022. Dr Priya Agrawal, Senior consultant and Social Entrepreneur was the resource person. Ms Saritha Crasta Convenor, compered the webinar. Dr Shobha Head of Department introduced the resource person and welcomed the gathering. The webinar took place on zoom platform. 

During the session Dr Priya Agrawal explained to the participants the concepts of Derivative, futures, Practical Session on Derivative market.  The session ended with an open house discussion. At the end of the session the participants were asked to fill the feedback form for attendance and certification. 250 Participants registered for the webinar From Various Colleges. The Participants included Staff member of Various colleges comes under MUCTA. Dr Denis Fernandes, Director, Dr Manuel Tauro Dean, Dr. Shoba, HOD commerce department was present for the webinar. Ms. Carrel Sharel Pereira, Presented the vote of thanks.