To conduct semester and end semester examinations for undergraduate and post-graduate programs, and maintain necessary documents & records.
To organize evaluation of answer scripts, declare results, assist in awarding degrees, and redress grievances regarding examinations and evaluation.
To attend and assist in convening meetings of the Governing Council, Academic Council, and other specified committees.
To perform any other functions as per the statutes, rules, and the directions of the principal.
Internal examinations are conducted as per the statutes of autonomy and the regulations of the college for awarding internal assessment marks.
Internal Assessment examinations (Continuous Assessment)
There will be two common examinations for all classes in each semester. For the odd semester, these examinations will be in August & September and for even semesters in January & February/March.
The tasks include preparing the examination timetable, appointment of examination superintendent, organizing room invigilation, preparing question papers, deciding the duration of examination, arranging answer booklets, stipulating submission times for marks, recording entries, distributing progress cards, and entering data electronically.
Co-curricular & Extra-curricular activities
Marks to be collected from respective Deans/HODs, inspection of records, making entries, notices & reminders.
Marks for attendance as per regulations to be collected from respective departments through Deans/HODs.
The Registrar ensures the process, including 3 components:
Internal Assessment Examinations
Two common examinations for all programs in each semester. Held in September/October for odd semesters and February/March for even semesters. Tasks similar to UG exams.
Seminar, Quiz, Assignments, Projects, etc.:
Marks to be collected from HODs, inspection of records, entries in registers and electronic format.
As per regulations.
Central examinations conducted for all Degree programs at the end of each semester.
Board of Appointment of Examiners
Set up as per College regulations for each course/subject/faculty. Registrar serves as Chairman.
Examination Application Forms
Collected from each candidate. Includes fees, printing, processing, and preparing lists of eligible candidates certified by the principal.
Question paper setting
Set in each subject in sets of 2/3. Tasks include preparing examiner lists, contacting, preparing detailed schemes, disbursing remuneration, proofreading & printing, coding if necessary, and preserving and selecting sets at random.
Time table
Draft & final time table for each semester at least 25 days before examinations.
Practical Examinations
Conducted for all papers with practicals. Tasks include preparing examiner lists, timetables, attendance certificates, remuneration for external examiners, and making appropriate entries.
Office Superintendent
Chief office superintendent appointed for each end semester exam. Responsibilities include room invigilation and conducting examinations.
Central Valuation
Begins within a week of end of semester exams. Tasks include preparing examiner lists, central valuation timetable, appointing chief examiner, disbursing remuneration (TA, DA, allowances), and preparing tabulation registers.
Maintained manually and in computer documents. Tabulators appointed. Result sheets prepared as per regulations. Software used for recording marks, declaring class, grade, and GPA.
Declaration of results
Results published on notice boards and internet within a defined timeframe. Also released to the press.
Revaluation, Re-totaling, personal viewing, rejection of results, grievances, etc:
Prescribed time limits, fee collection, and related duties as per regulations.
Procedure similar to UG exams with double valuation for end semester exams. Answer scripts coded and marks recorded separately.
Built for PG examinations. Separate appointments for examinations and central valuations. Independent determination of fees, remuneration, and allowances.
Registrar empowered to manage all necessary acts for a credible and transparent evaluation system.
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