On the occasion of the 110th Birth Memorial celebration of Prof. K.A. Krishnamurthy, the department of UG & PG Mathematics organized a seminar on the topic “Number Theory and its Application to Cryptography” on 23rd August 2023. The resource person was Dr John Sherra, Former Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, St Aloysius College (Autonomous).
As a part of the event, three competitions were organized for UG & PG Mathematics students.
Abstract Art, in which 2 made a team, Escape Room with 3 members in a team and Poster making with 2 member team. A total of 29 teams participated in the competitions. Winners were awarded with cash prizes and certificates.
115 students participated in the seminar. Ms Anisha Mathias from UG Mathematics department compered the programme. Ms Anupriya Shetty, HOD of PG Mathematics welcomed the gathering. Ms Priya Monteiro, HOD of UG Mathematics introduced the guest to the audience. Dr John Sherra spoke on the life and achievements of Prof. K. A. Krishnamurthy. Ms Apporva Shetty read the names of prize winners. Dr Denis Fernandes, Director of Arrupe block, gave his presidential remarks, congratulated, and encouraged the department to organize more such events. He also spoke on the importance of numbers through history and cryptography in various fields. Ms Rollin Preetha Vaz, the coordinator of the programme proposed the formal vote of thanks.
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