Department of Botany
Established in 1958, the Department of Botany has progressed into a place of scientific inquiry, offering a curriculum to meet the academic challenges in both basic and applied fields of Botany.The Department offers undergraduate program in Botany that covers experiential learning and research-inspired laboratory experience to the students.
The course includes wide range of topics such as Microbial Diversity & Technology, Diversity of lower and higher plant groups, Plant Anatomy& Embryology, Plant Ecology, Plant systematics, Plant Physiology, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology. The Department is equipped with laboratories, a well-maintained museum, department library and a greenhouse providing students with the opportunities to apply theoretical concepts to real world problems.
The faculty members are qualified, actively involved in research, and often collaborate on interdisciplinary projects. The Department also organizes workshops, seminars, and field visits, nurturing a rich academic environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, creativity and critical thinking. Students are encouraged to undertake independent projects which are materialised into Scientific paper presentations/Publications.
Imparting global competencies in the field of Plant Sciences driven by exploration and innovative research
- To equip students with knowledge for carrying out innovative research in the fields of Plant Diversity, Systematics and Applied Plant Sciences
- To form young men and women of high intellectual caliber, competent in skills of research and innovation and of high moral stature
- To build students towards ensuring ecological sustainability and facilitate effective strategies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - 2030.
Click here to Download the Syllabus

Research project undertaken (Minor /Major / any other) | ||||||||
SL NO | Name of the staff member | Nature of the Research Project undertaken (major/minor) & status | Title of the Project | Amount Sanctioned | Sponsoring agency | Time period (from – to) | Month/year of receiving grant | Link to the sanctioned letter |
1 | Dr. Sana Sheikh | Minor | Preparation and characterization of healthy and fungal infected plant extract loaded films for biomedical and bioremedial applications | 3,00,000/- | VGST | 2021-22 | Feb 2021 | View Letter |
2 | Dr Jyothi Miranda | Collaborative | Microalgal diversity in relation to the physicochemical parameters of MRPL lake area | 56,350/ | Pilicula Development Authority / Biodiversity Project MRPL | 2019-22 | April 2019 | View Letter |
S.No | Name of the Staff | Title of the Paper | Name of the Journal | Volume, Issue, Date, ISSN/ISBN No., Page No | Google Drive Link to the Relevant Document |
1 | Jyothi Miranda (Co-author) | Isolation, Growth and Characterization of Lipids from Pandorina morum for Biofuel Production | Journal of Bioresources | 2020, ISSN 2582-2276, 7(1):78-90. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/XYT2B | Link |
2 | Jyothi Miranda (Co-author & Corresponding Author) | Community Structure and Diversity of Mangroves at Kannur District of Kerala, Southwest Coast of India | International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2024, ISSN: 2320-5199, 50: 577-583. DOI: 10.55863/ijees.2024.0106 | Link |
3 | Sana Sheikh (Co-author & Corresponding Author) | Study of Variability in Seed Morphology, Screening of Seed Borne Fungi and Uses of Rarely Cultivated Indigenous Rice Landraces (Oryza sativa L.) of Kerala, India | Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika | 2022, 37:245 | Not Provided |
4 | Sana Sheikh | Cytotoxic and Decolorizing Potential of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz., Isolated from Salacia chinensis Linn. | South African Journal of Botany | 2020, 134, 146-150 | Not Provided |
5 | Sana Sheikh (Co-author) | Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles from the Leaf, Stem and In Vitro Grown Callus of Mussaenda frondosa L.: Characterization and Their Applications | Applied Nanoscience | 2020, 10: 3057-3074 | Not Provided |
Details of books and chapters in edited volumes / books per teacher during the year | |||||||
SL NO | Name of the Teacher | Title of the Book published | Title of the Chapter published | Year and month of publication | Affiliating Institute of the teacher at the time of publication | Name of the Publisher | Google drive link to the cover page of the book |
1 | DR SANA SHEIKH | Fungal diversity, ecology and control management | Fungal Mediated Effective Exploitation of Uncongenial Wastes from Environment | June 2022 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | SPRINGER | View cover page |
2 | DR SANA SHEIKH | Biomolecules of Fungi: Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical, Industrial and Environmental Protection. | Bioactive Potential of Fungi. | November2022 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | Agrobios Research, OM publications | View cover page |
3 | DR SANA SHEIKH | Current developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering | Influence of subsoil microbial community across different depths on the biodegradation of pesticides | March 2023 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | Elsevier | View cover page |
4 | DR SANA SHEIKH | Plant-Microbe Interaction - Recent Advances in Molecular and Biochemical Approaches | Physiological and biochemical studies of plant-pathogen interactions | April 2023 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | Elsevier | View cover page |
5 | DR SANA SHEIKH | Microbial Symbionts and Plant Health: Trends and Applications for Changing Climate. Rhizosphere Biology. | Microbes and Their Role in Alleviation of Abiotic and Biotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants. | May 2023 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | SPRINGER | View cover page |
6 | Dr Jyothi Miranda | Current developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering |
Influence of subsoil microbial community across different depths on the biodegradation of pesticides
March 2023 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | Elsevier | View Cover Page |
7 | Dr Jyothi Miranda | Antimicrobials in Food Science and Technology |
Plants as antimicrobial agents in Food Technology.
November 2023 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | Taylor & Francis | View Cover Page |
8 | Dr Jyothi Miranda | Antimicrobials in Agriculture |
Role of Phytoalexins in Agriculture
June 2024 | ST ALOYSIUS COLLEGE | Taylor & Francis | View Cover Page |
Student Progression - (for example 2020-23 show the progress of a given batch for three years with the chart) PG - 2 years | ||||
Year | Total No of Students | Pass % | Distinction % | First Class % |
2021 - 22 | 25 | 98% | 44 % | 24 % |
2022 -23 | 25 | 92 % | 20 % | 12 % |
2023 -24 | 25 | 100 % | 20% | 20% |
Details of value-added courses / certificates courses for imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year | |||||
Name of the value-added courses (with 30 or more contact hours) offered | Course Code, if any | No. of times offered during the year | Duration of course (in hours) | Number of students enrolled | Attach the brochure, List of participants with Google drive link |
HANDS ON TRAINING ON SEED QUALITY TESTING | 23024 | 1 | 30 hrs | 8 | Visit the course page |
Herbal medicine and herbal products | 22108 | 1 | 30 hrs | 41 | Visit the Hands-On Training Course page |
Consultancy of the Department | |||||
Date | Name of the Staff Involved | No. of programmes undertaken | No of beneficiaries | Revenue generated | Link to the supporting document |
16.11.22 | DR JYOTHI MIRANDA | PLANT IDENTIFICATION | 2 | 200 | View the file |
Place | Date | No of Students | Link to the Document |
Agumbe Rain Forest Research Station | 28.01.24 | 33 | View Image |
Mangrove Vegetation Thalapady | 14.02.23 | 33 | View Image |
Jeddu Ayurveda Medicinal Garden | 20.08.23 | 45 | View Image |
Pilicula Botanical Museum & Arboretum | 11.01.25 | 33 | ViewImage |